Wednesday, November 27, 2019

blog Essays - Business, Customer Experience Management, Marketing

Dissatisfaction can be thoroughly seen in the faces of consumers nowadays. ?Customer complaints now seem to outnumber the heart-warming stories about companies going above and beyond. The same survey found that people frequently complained about having to speak with too many representatives before an issue was addressed: about company staff failing to take responsibility for customer satisfaction, and allowing bureaucratic policies to get in the way of satisfactory solutions.?(Driggs, 2009) Lack of understanding of firms from the demands of their customers and their deficiency in having dynamic ability to become accustomed to it agitate customers. The problems in buying products in market are the lack of quality service, strategic decisions, and failure to recognize the relevance of customer complaints. First of all, the lack of quality in the service provided by the company employees and representatives causes exasperation. This shows lack of knowledge in producer-consumer interaction which can be seen from the smallest to the biggest forms of business. I have come across many local stores in malls and bazaars such as those in Divisoria that have been swarmed with number of complaints. This signal that they must start to pay attention needed in conveying high quality products and services and support for their customers. Such foci are needed to get the desirable customer response. The personnel who deal directly with the customers should be trained to have the expertise, comprehension, and skills to efficiently handle customers? protest. Lack of quality service entails another problem which is the utilization of data used in decision making process. Too much dependency on what has been researched in the past cannot fully determine the future of current business undertakings. In other words, adequate sources and proper trainings cannot solely guarantee a successful dealing with customer issues. People?s preference is vibrant; sticking to one program will never result in a precise comportment and will never be truly appreciated by buyers. These reasons will make consumers go to competitors for more convenient ways of getting what they want. Different concepts should be used to view displeased customers in a new light. The inability to recognize the relevance of customer complaints is even more of a dilemma in several business firms. It is not always a bad thing to have customer complaints because it is part of the research process of finding out the weakness of the products and services being offered. But the fact that these are not being acknowledged and properly conveyed to the appropriate people in the business will not lead them to a pure understanding of their company?s product. In an age of powerful consumers marketing researchers must understand how consumers think and behave. This is the only way to make them understand the value of the goods and services that you provide. Flexibility in strategies? use will make consumers understand the firm?s core marketing message and what makes it unique from other competing forces. Analyzing the root causes and having proper communication will help prevent significant market damage to business? relationship with their consumers. All in all, business must have the endeavor to see the whole picture of the consumers? experience. In which things should be done with an understanding in the right set of conditions and priority of consumers? preferences. I can truly see that stores which apply more of these notions are more trustworthy and certain of their customers? loyalty. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Driggs, Woody(2009). Your Customers want you to know them. The Tipping Point.

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