Tuesday, May 26, 2020

New And Alternative Sources Of Energy - 1311 Words

Today s society uses enormous amounts of energy. *The shadow of our presence on this planet is a result of generations upon generations of production and utilization of energy*. New and alternative sources of energy are being developed to replace the declining accessibility of coal and fossil fuels. Use of renewable energy is a key component in combatting the climate change that has become a major issue in the 21st century. Reducing our impact on the climate as a result of greenhouse gas emissions will not only benefit our generation, but countless generations after us. This technology is not only affordable, but is within reach. With the ever-increasing population of 255 global births per minute (How Many Babies...) the demand for energy grows substantially each day. There are many different sources of energy that are naturally available throughout the world in different forms. This energy can be categorized into two main sources: 1) renewable and 2) non-renewable sources. Energy sources are considered non-renewable if they cannot be replenished or made again in a short period of time. Non-renewable sources come out of the ground as liquids, gases and solids (Nonrenewable). Non-renewable sources are limited, not environmentally friendly when being extracted from the ground or when being used. They can also be a direct cause of inflation in the economy due to increases and decreases in production. Renewable sources are generated from natural resources thatShow MoreRelatedSci 207 Week 4 Lab 4 Energy Sources and Alternative Energy – New797 Words   |  4 PagesSCI 207 WEEK 4 LAB 4 ENERGY SOURCES AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY – NEW To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/sci-207-week-4-lab-4-energy-sources-and-alternative-energy-new/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM SCI 207 WEEK 4 LAB 4 ENERGY SOURCES AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY - NEW Lab 4 - Experiment 1: The Effects of Coal Mining Table 1: pH of Water Samples Water Sample Initial pH Final pH Pyrite 5 5 Activated Carbon 5 7 Water 5 5 Hypothesis: The beaker with onlyRead MoreAlternative Sources Of Alternative Energy Sources1123 Words   |  5 PagesRough Draft: Alternative Energy Sources Imagine a world where sea levels have risen, a world where extreme weather happens more often and with more intensity, and a world that has very few species of animals left due to mass extinctions. 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