Friday, December 27, 2019

Obesity A Disease - 1223 Words

Breein Sayed Professor L. Huang English 126 12 February 2017 Obesity, A Disease Per the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, more than 35 percent of American adults are obese, more than 34 percent is overweight, and 17 percent of the children from the United States are affected by obesity. Most people disregard the fact that Obesity is a known disease that affects our future and youth, but unlike most people I would rather save this human from their disease, by telling them they are unhealthy, than to let them live an unhealthy life. I did not hesitate letting a close family member know that his obesity is a disease that will just cripple his life more than it is right now. With the†¦show more content†¦Dixon’s connection between the two terms shows how much of disease obesity is since it adds more illnesses to human’s life. In a case study, conducted by Marjorie Cypress, of a 52-year-old woman shows how hard obesity and depression has affected her life since s he has been diagnosed with both. In the case study, it states â€Å"she was diagnosed with depression and prescribed an antidepressant that she chose not to take† (Cypress). This woman has been previously diagnosed with hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia, and arthritis, and for her to deal with her obesity on top of her depression will not help her case at all. Because of the lack of attention to her obesity, her depression had gotten worse and her list of medical problems grew. This depression can trigger or lead to a different disease, if it is not carefully examined or dealt with. From the article, â€Å"Depression and associated physical disease and symptoms†, written by Guy M. Goodwin, Goodwin describes the symptoms of clinical depression and the diseases that may come with it if a person is diagnosed with depression. Goodwin states â€Å"For example, in 222 patients interviewed between 5 and 15 days following the MI and followed up for 6 months, depression was a significant and independent predictor of mortality from cardiac causes (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.61 to 6.87)† (Goodwin). With depression, it is proven that most patients suffer fromShow MoreRelatedObesity : The Disease Of Obesity Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesMore than 93 million Americans are affected by the disease of obesity (Obesity Action-Brochure). There are many ways to approach this disease, such as weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, or diet and exercise plans. Doctors and insurance companies have different requirements that the patient must meet in order for the surgery to take place. Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. There is a difference between being overweightRead MoreIs Obesity a Disease?994 Words   |  4 PagesIs Obesity a Disease? After a long day of work or school, we have the choice to prepare ourselves a healthy meal or to get something quick and easy from the drive-through or a quick microwaveable dinner. Many of us do not have the time, or just simply choose not prepare healthy meals or exercise and it shows in our waistline. From the abundance of fast food chains on every corner to television and video games it is no wonder why we are putting on extra pounds. Obesity is caused by an unhealthy andRead MoreObesity As A Disease?1512 Words   |  7 PagesObesity as a Disease Recently, a lot of debate has gone around about whether or not obesity is considered a disease or not. It is very difficult to pinpoint one sole reason obesity is occurring in people, there are many different justifications for what causes a person to become obese. Obesity is a disease that is currently sweeping the entire world. Percentages of not just adults, but children are skyrocketing like never before. People have never been so overweight until now. I am going to examineRead MoreObesity Is A Disease?1410 Words   |  6 PagesHolly Elliott ENC 1101-13186 16 December 2015 Obesity Is a Disease About one-hundred million people in America are diagnosed with obesity every year, that’s one third of our population (Carson-Dewitt, Davidson, Atkins)! Obesity should be taken seriously because, it may cause permanent damage for us in the future. Many researchers have preformed various tests to prove that obesity is a disease. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a disease is an illness that affects a person, animal, orRead MoreObesity Is A Disease?1263 Words   |  6 PagesObesity is a disease. There is no way around that but how can America s Society help? How can someone prevent this? How can this disease be cured? Do you schools play an important role in a child’s health? Even though someone may not seem obese they are and doctors and scientist have came up with the BMI scale to prove it. Someone can be very fit by playing sports and working out everyday but if their height and weight don’t meet at the appropriate spot on the chart then they are co nsidered obeseRead MoreObesity Is Not A Disease1182 Words   |  5 PagesObesity has been measured or defined in various ways. Many researchers have differing opinions on the origins and effects of obesity. The rapidly increasing rates of obesity are often linked to a high calorie diet and little to no physical activity. Although obesity is seen as a disease that affects a person’s weight, it actually affects a lot more than that. Obesity can affect individuals in both adolescence and adulthood, their families, and the healthcare system. From an outside viewpoint, obesityRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases Essay1706 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity has become staggering in the United States. Children are considered obese if they have thirty percent amount of body fat or more and is measured by body mass index (BMI). Body mass index conveys the correlation of body weight to height. If a child’s BMI is at or exceeding over the 95th percentile, meaning if their body mass index is greater than 95% of other children that are the same sex and age, they are obese. Doctor Jeffrey Levi, an executive director of the Trust for America’sRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases896 Words   |  4 PagesObesity is primarily measured in body mass index or BMI, a BMI over 30 is considered obese. Until recently, there has been a steady rise of the obesity prevalence over the last three decades. The American taxpayers and the medical community face a huge challenge with regards to the 34.9% of adults and 16.9% of children who struggle with obesity (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal, 2014). Even with the prevalence of obesity remaining flat, morbid obesity, a BMI of over 40 has increased by two to threeRead MoreObesity : Disease Associated With Obesity Essay887 Words   |  4 Pages1. List all of the diseases noted by the movie that is associated with obesity. To receive credit, this must be a complete list. The diseases associated with obesity are the following: Heart disease, Strokes, high blood pressure, Diabetes, asthma, some cancers, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Gout, and Breathing problems such as sleep apnea. 2. Pick one in particular disease noted, and expand on it. Do the research and give etiology, signs, and symptoms. Also, list any treatments that are commonlyRead MoreObesity And Obesity Related Diseases1342 Words   |  6 Pagesgood-quality home cooking. Obesity and obesity related diseases have increased significantly in the U.S. since the mid 1970s. Over the same time, the number of fast food restaurants have more than doubled, placing fast food within close proximities to schools, work and home. A diet filled with fast food is strongly linked to weight gain, and insulin resistance, suggests obesity researcher and neurobiologist Stephan Guyenet Ph. D, an indicator sign that fast food increases the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analysis Of Pilkingtons Mission Statement - 1328 Words

Overall, the Group’s performance is poor due a lingering global economic slowdown, which brought down market shares throughout its automotive and architectural business lines; however, there has been a slight increase in its market share for technical glass due to the Group’s strategy to expand into a niche market and providing a superior technological component compared to its competitor. Additionally, the Group saw an increase of 5% net income over the last four-years; nevertheless it still has not posted a positive net income profit, which means the Group’s 2007 strategic management of re-establishing a firmer financial foundation, and improving its financial strengths by 2014 was not a sustainable strategy. Mission Statement Analysis Pilkington’s mission statement: â€Å"To be the global leader in innovative high performance glass and glazing solutions, contributing to energy conservation and generation, working safely and ethically† (NSG Group, 2015). By using Campbell’s evaluation method, the Group’s mission statement scored 18 out of 20 points, indicating a well-conceived statement. However, the mission statement does not identify a specific standard of behavior; hence, the two-point deduction using Campbell’s 10-question test, but ethical behavior is encouraged. The Group’s mission statement motivates the organization and its shareholders’ by providing direction, vision, and a sense of purpose. The mission statement was devised to encompass the entire scope of the

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The State of Philippine Education free essay sample

Going to school has been an everyday life of students ages 4 to 24. In this everyday activity they are nourishing themselves with the needed and handed off education. But what is the state of education if the Philippines? Is it able ti give the required knowledge and more? well, it is in the middle of the shade and the sun: not impressive nor disappointing. The government has done all it can to make education helpful but incapable of giving the children the required and exquisite knowledge and in equipping the with the right values. Nowadays, our country produces college graduates that are of high quality. Some were even fortuitous enough to work overseas but more students were not even able to receive a college diploma. Sad it may seem but it makes our government produce an option of sort, to add two more years to high school and grade school curriculum. At first the government suddenly thought that the students Jest need more mastery of the lessons. We will write a custom essay sample on The State of Philippine Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But how about those who already became successful and also a living proof to how effective our system off education was? The answer may be found on the teachers . Fortunately, we were granted by such excellent teachers. Sadly, not all teachers are that excellent or not that competent in nurturing the youth. Again these said teachers are also products of education made and shaped to also teach education. Moreover, with state of education improving and deteriorating at the same time it is able to produce beautiful stones. Again, it is due to the teachers who gave their heart to teaching that got their love. The curriculum for students is improved by the DepED year by year but only little by little. Some of the lessons are not that helpful due to the commonness of the lecture. So the teachers were forced to produce own lessons borrowed from college books so that the students will be able to compete with students of other schools and hopefully schools of other countries. On the other hand, giving a student a good quality of education is of the same importance with giving a student the required moral values and philosophies to live by. There values are usually forgotten by the very teachers. Also, these values teaches a person how to cope and adapt in a given situation thus helping him to continue living. It is important because students tend to lose their orale through the years of studying, grabbing their attention by what they thought is of more importance. Because of their young age and immature minds they are often loitering on the wrong path. Briefly, the state of education really is good but is could have been better. All our country need is it to improve the bitter points of our educations system. If these points are turned to and given attention by those officials then we will be able to produce students of high standards thus making us able to compete nationally and globally. The State of Philippine Education: a View from a Filipino Youth By midnightsun

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Miss Essays - Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Investment

Lots of people are going through private equity recruiting this time of year, so let?s take a look at what to expect and how to tackle the case study ? a critical part of most buy-side interviews. Note that these ?case studies? are completely different from the ?case interviews? you get in management consulting (not that I would even waste space on consultants here, but just to clarify?). Why? Although I labeled these ?private equity case studies? above, you?ll encounter them in almost every buy-side interview, from mega-funds to tiny 4-person firms to everything in between. Not all hedge funds do them, but any fund that does some long-term investing (as opposed to effectively day-trading) will usually make you complete some type of case study as part of the interview process. Sometimes they?re formal and sometimes they?re informal, but they?re always important ? if you screw yours up, you probably won?t be moving onto the next round or getting an offer. Who? No matter your profile or previous background, you?ll encounter case studies if you?re trying to move into private equity. So even if you?re a consultant or you?re moving in from a different field altogether, you will still have to complete case studies. No one ever says, ?Oh, well you you didn?t do much modeling so we can just skip that part of the interview.? Instead, they assume that you know how to do it and then weed out people who don?t. Even if you are applying to PE firms straight out of undergrad, or you?re applying as an intern, you?re still likely to get case studies ? multiple friends who did this had case studies pretty much everywhere. The only exception here is senior-level hires ? but then, if you?re reading this right now you?re probably not interviewing for Partner-level positions? What? The case study is designed to answer 1 simple question: ?Should we invest in this company The firm could ask you to complete the case study in a couple different ways: Most Common: You get materials on the company they want you to analyze (financial statements, 5-10 page document describing it, maybe some outside research) and you have anywhere from a few days to a week to complete a short presentation. Part of the Interview: Some places will make the case study a part of the interview itself ? they might give you basic information on the company and then give you 2-3 hours to do your work and present to them immediately afterward. More common at mega-funds. Just the LBO Model: This is less common, but they could also give you 30 minutes to create a ?simple? LBO model of a company just to verify that you actually know how to do this. This article will focus mostly on #1 and #2, since #3 is just a sub-set of those. Hedge funds are less ?formal? than PE firms if they ask you to do a case study at all, and in other fields like corporate development and venture capital you?ll either have more of an informal case study, or you won?t do one at all. Case Study Ingredients At the bare minimum, you?ll usually get some type of Word document describing the company in question (called an ?Information Memorandum? (IM) or ?Offering Memorandum? (OM) or ?Executive Summary? in banker terminology). It might be short (10 pages or less) or it might be quite long ? dozens or even 100+ pages. If you?re analyzing a public company, they might just point you to the 10-K or 10-Q (annual report and quarterly report, respectively) instead. It?s rare to get extremely detailed operating models because you don?t have time to go into pages of detail. Outside research is similarly rare. The firm usually won?t give you guidance on how to value the company or how to build your models, but that?s for an entirely different reason: they want you to figure it out. Structure: Simple FTW! Simplicity is the most important word for your case study. If they don?t give you a structure to adhere to, I would recommend the following: 1 Summary slide in the beginning. 2-3 Qualitative slides discussing the market, management, and anything unique to the deal. 3-4 Quantitative slides that go into the appropriate valuation, and what kind of returns the firm can expect. 1 Conclusion slide summing up everything and

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

blog Essays - Business, Customer Experience Management, Marketing

Dissatisfaction can be thoroughly seen in the faces of consumers nowadays. ?Customer complaints now seem to outnumber the heart-warming stories about companies going above and beyond. The same survey found that people frequently complained about having to speak with too many representatives before an issue was addressed: about company staff failing to take responsibility for customer satisfaction, and allowing bureaucratic policies to get in the way of satisfactory solutions.?(Driggs, 2009) Lack of understanding of firms from the demands of their customers and their deficiency in having dynamic ability to become accustomed to it agitate customers. The problems in buying products in market are the lack of quality service, strategic decisions, and failure to recognize the relevance of customer complaints. First of all, the lack of quality in the service provided by the company employees and representatives causes exasperation. This shows lack of knowledge in producer-consumer interaction which can be seen from the smallest to the biggest forms of business. I have come across many local stores in malls and bazaars such as those in Divisoria that have been swarmed with number of complaints. This signal that they must start to pay attention needed in conveying high quality products and services and support for their customers. Such foci are needed to get the desirable customer response. The personnel who deal directly with the customers should be trained to have the expertise, comprehension, and skills to efficiently handle customers? protest. Lack of quality service entails another problem which is the utilization of data used in decision making process. Too much dependency on what has been researched in the past cannot fully determine the future of current business undertakings. In other words, adequate sources and proper trainings cannot solely guarantee a successful dealing with customer issues. People?s preference is vibrant; sticking to one program will never result in a precise comportment and will never be truly appreciated by buyers. These reasons will make consumers go to competitors for more convenient ways of getting what they want. Different concepts should be used to view displeased customers in a new light. The inability to recognize the relevance of customer complaints is even more of a dilemma in several business firms. It is not always a bad thing to have customer complaints because it is part of the research process of finding out the weakness of the products and services being offered. But the fact that these are not being acknowledged and properly conveyed to the appropriate people in the business will not lead them to a pure understanding of their company?s product. In an age of powerful consumers marketing researchers must understand how consumers think and behave. This is the only way to make them understand the value of the goods and services that you provide. Flexibility in strategies? use will make consumers understand the firm?s core marketing message and what makes it unique from other competing forces. Analyzing the root causes and having proper communication will help prevent significant market damage to business? relationship with their consumers. All in all, business must have the endeavor to see the whole picture of the consumers? experience. In which things should be done with an understanding in the right set of conditions and priority of consumers? preferences. I can truly see that stores which apply more of these notions are more trustworthy and certain of their customers? loyalty. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Driggs, Woody(2009). Your Customers want you to know them. The Tipping Point.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Literature Review for Thesis or Dissertation

Literature Review for Thesis or Dissertation Literature Review Writing As you are working on your academic tasks, you may need to produce a comprehensive review of literature. It means developing a profound understanding of the research findings that were published in relation to your topic. Remember that your readers may not know as much about your topic as you do. Therefore, you must provide them with the background knowledge of your subject. Besides, your review of literature will be important for you to justify the topic of your dissertation. To produce a high-quality review, you must do the following:review your topic against the literature you have collected; review the key findings and see what gaps exist in the literature you have found; link the findings and integrate them into a cohesive narrative; describe the significance of these findings for your work; interpret and analyze the meaning and explain them to your reader; try to understand any contradictions that exist among researchers and their findings; see if the literature you have located can provide any meaningful input into your own work; propose recommendations for future research.Now think of what should be included in your review of literature. First, you must be able to structure your literature review around several core topics or themes. These themes or topics should be arranged logically. Do not forget to cite and reference other researchers. Explain complex terminology and be unbiased in your analysis of the most significant findings. Ideally, your literature review should comprise the following components:an overview of the topic and subject; a discussion of the main findings, while diving them into categories or themes; a connection among different works and findings; a conclusion about what meaning these findings may carry for your future work.You may want to consider a number of questions or issues while working on your literature review:Authors credentials and qualifications: are they sufficient to guarantee the highest validity and reliability of the study results? Objectivity and neutrality: are researchers objective enough when reporting their findings? Credibility: can you see how convincing the authors arguments are? Worth: do you believe that the authors recommendations and findings add value to the results of your own work?Do not forget about the importance of transitions. Your ideas should be linked logically to one another. In addition, you need to analyze rather than summarize them. You should clearly articulate your position and see if the sources you have collected support or refute your assumptions. Your task is to convince your readers that you know everything about the topic. Use the following verbs, if you want to:emphasize the positive aspects of your work hold, advocate, suggest, confirm; emphasize the disagreement with your beliefs and thesis deny, address, comment; emphasize the tentativeness of the argument hypothesize, believe, assume; emphasize the critical approach to the argument object, refute, attack.Your literature review will become an integral component of your academic work. It will show that you can select the most relevant and significant materials, paraphrase them, analyze them, and integrate them into your narrative. If you use quotations, they should be meaningful and important. See what language researchers use to communicate their thoughts. Develop a broader picture of your study, by using the findings reported by other scholars. Be reasonable with the use of citations and quotations. Introduce them properly and explain their meaning. Do not forget about the key message you want to articulate to your readers. Do not deviate from the topic, and your literature review will bring you a huge academic success.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Andrei Rublev's The Holy Trinity Research Paper

Andrei Rublev's The Holy Trinity - Research Paper Example Olsufiev describes Andrew Rublev as one of the iconic painters in the Russian History. He lived between 1360 and 1430. Information on Andrew’s biography is very scanty. Nevertheless, the available history shows that he was born in Pskov. He is considered a hero in painting of the Russian icons and frescoes. His name is associated with the flourishing period of the Russian art. Additionally, it is also linked with the revival of the Byzantine art after its ruin under the Ottoman rule. In the 1380, he was one of the artisans in the Prince’s cartel. They engaged in painting and decoration of churches. According to the Russian Orthodox Church Andrew was first mention as a painter when under the apprenticeship of Theophanes the Greek. This was in the Trinity Sergei Lavra Monastery, where he was a pupil of Prokhor of Gorodets. The two artists painted icons and frescos for the Cathedral of Annunciation of the Moscow Kremlin. It is in this monastery that Andrew did most of his painting. He moved out of this monastery after the death of his friend, Danil Cherny. He relocated to Andronikov Monastery in Moscow where he painted the frescos of the Savior Cathedral. That was his last painting. He remained in the same area and no wonder most of his paintings are found in or around Moscow. He died in 1430. A museum was constructed in the Andronikov Monastery, where the art and the epoch of Andrew Rublev are displayed. Smirnova observes that the surviving work shows that he belonged to either early Muscovite school or Vladimir-Suzdal.